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gypsy moth

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gypsy moth

2 definitions found
 for gypsy moth
From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 :

  Gypsy moth \Gyp"sy moth\, or Gipsy moth \Gip"sy moth\ .
     A tussock moth ({Lymantria dispar or Porthetria dispar or
     Ocneria dispar) native of the Old World, but accidentally
     introduced into eastern Massachusetts about 1869, where its
     caterpillars have done great damage to fruit, shade, and
     forest trees of many kinds. The male gypsy moth is yellowish
     brown, the female white, and larger than the male. In both
     sexes the wings are marked by dark lines and a dark lunule.
     The caterpillars, when full-grown, have a grayish mottled
     appearance, with blue tubercles on the anterior and red
     tubercles on the posterior part of the body, all giving rise
     to long yellow and black hairs. They usually pupate in July
     and the moth appears in August. The eggs are laid on tree
     trunks, rocks, etc., and hatch in the spring.
     Note: By 1980 the range of habitat had advanced as far south
           as New Jersey, and by 1995 significant populations were
           found as far west as the Mississippi valley. Initial
           population surges along the advancing front of the
           inhabited area cause great damage due to defoliation of
           trees by the caterpillars, but over time predators,
           disease and other natural controlling factors tend to
           reduce the populations to levels not so injurious to
           local foliage. Much money and effort has been expended
           trying to control, slow, or limit the spread of gypsy
           moths in the United States.

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) :

  gypsy moth
      n 1: European moth introduced into North America; a serious pest
           of shade trees [syn: gypsy moth, gipsy moth, Lymantria