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2 definitions found
for fretfully
From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 :
Fretful \Fret"ful\, a. [See 2d Fret.] Disposed to fret; ill-humored; peevish; angry; in a state of vexation; as, a fretful temper. -- Fret"ful*ly, adv. -- Fret"ful*ness, n. Syn: Peevish; ill-humored; ill-natured; irritable; waspish; captious; petulant; splenetic; spleeny; passionate; angry. Usage: Fretful, Peevish, Cross. These words all indicate an unamiable working and expression of temper. Peevish marks more especially the inward spirit: a peevish man is always ready to find fault. Fretful points rather to the outward act, and marks a complaining impatience: sickly children are apt to be fretful. Crossness is peevishness mingled with vexation or anger. [1913 Webster]From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) :
fretfully adv 1: in a fretful manner; "fretfully, the baby tossed in his crib"